Sunday, April 14, 2013

Soul Coaching Day 14 (Water)

One final day of Water before moving on to Fire.

"Who I am is enough, just as I am."

The exercise for today is, yep you guessed it, more cleaning.

Noble Questions
Replace any negative questions with inspiring noble questions. Oh boy, this was s tough one! One of my noble questions was:
What more can I do to increase my financial abundance? I'm doing everything I can think of: cutting my expenses, no more eating out, listing my paintings for sale (have 2 pending sales), and I applied for a second job (part time). What else can I do short of cancelling my internet, but then I wouldn't be able to manage my sell listings. I'm stumped.

Release Victim Thinking
Remember a time when you felt like a victim, without judgment, and ask the following:
1. If there was something that I was gaining from it?
2. Why am I allowing this person/situation to victimize me?
3. How can I change my perception of this event so I don't feel victimized.
4. I have choices: Stand up for myself or change my perception of the person/situation. How would I do this?

It took me several minutes to think of a situation, but all I could think of was the very old situation of being in an abusive relationship, so I used that. #1 I didn't realize it at the time but it was making me a stronger more independent person. #2 At first I took it, but after a long while I began standing up for myself, but why I stuck it out so long I don't know...divine timing, maybe?  Because the longer I stuck it out the stronger I was becoming. #3 I've already begun to change my view of that situation, and although I often regret that time of my life, I do recognize that it did benefit me in the end. #4 I did eventually stand up for myself, but what I should have done was ended it... but then I wouldn't be the person I am today.

Choose Your Life
Go to your list from day 1 and after each, affirm: "I choose this experience, and I unconditionally accept this event in my life." Keeping saying to yourself until you feel acceptance.

My list from Day 1:

Health-wise: I'm in a lot of lower back pain, and frustrated at the pain and my current physical limitations, and it's effecting my sleep. It's hard to sleep when you are hurting so bad that every move is torture; I am fighting off depression; I struggle with insomnia; my shoulders and upper back are so tense the muscles are burning; my COPD is mostly controlled. "I choose this experience, and I unconditionally accept this event in my life."
Financially: I struggle from week to week and worry about the near future."I choose this experience, and I unconditionally accept this event in my life."
Career-wise: I work full time and love what I do; I am blessed."I choose this experience, and I unconditionally accept this event in my life."
Creativity: my creativity it's flowing like crazy! I began another painting last night (a set of two 7x14 canvases) and I'm real excited with the way it's turning out."I choose this experience, and I unconditionally accept this event in my life."
Spirituality: Although I still have faith, my spiritual life has declined. My main focus has been fighting off depression and recovering from the loss of my Mom. I actually turned to my artwork to help with the healing process, and it has done wonders. I am incorporating encouraging spiritual messages into my work and I believe this is also a big plus :)"I choose this experience, and I unconditionally accept this event in my life."

I think it will take more than one day of repeating this task for me to unconditionally accept that I have chosen the back pain, and other health issues LOL, although  from reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay, I know that health issues are physical symptoms resulting from my own negative thought patterns. I've been working on this for awhile now, and although I've made some progress as far as the practice of Positive Affirmations, I am still progressing towards changing my old habits.

Closing exercise: think about all that you accomplished as you transition into Fire Week.This week was emotionally rough, and all the cleaning, ugh! Lol but there was alot of introspection that strengthened my belief in (1) everything has a purpose (2) our thoughts/words have power.

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