Sunday, December 30, 2018


Are you tormented by your own inner self taunting bully? Rise up! Rise up and silence that self defeating voice! Counter that negativity with positive affirmations, and put your energy into it. Words have power. Breathe those positive affirmations into being!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Awaken (repost)

 Image by Artist Cameron Gray

The breeze wafting through the trees is no longer laughing;
    The warmth from the Sun is no longer giving; The dawn and dusk are no longer beckoning; The Moon and stars are no longer comforting.
Alas, Earth needs rejuvenation;
Her people need awakening.
Let us give comfort to Earth Mother
Let us be Her healers
Let us spread peace in the land
Let us send positive energies into the universe
Let us invoke love and goodness
It is time....
Let us be saviors of Earth
Of each other

**This poem was inspired by my cousin's husband, who has a special way of viewing the world around him. Thank you Bob Myers, for sharing your wisdom and inspiration.

Originally posted at my other blog: Keltik's Korner