Friday, October 18, 2013

Empowerment Through Self Gratitude and Sekhmet

This month we are working with Sekhmet in Soul Path Tribe. One of my recently completed assignments or challenges was quite emotional and empowering, so I though I would encourage you to give it go, too.

Write a gratitude letter to yourself. Do some soul searching and ask yourself what personal strengths, accomplishments, and attributes have helped you or others, have made a positive difference in your life for or someone else's, what is it about you that helps you get past your challenges, what are you secretly proud of? Write it all in a letter addressed to YOU expressing gratitude to YOU.

After completing your letter, take note of your emotions. How did this make you feel about yourself? Did it empower you, or free you? Did it bring you self acceptance and/or self love? Did it awaken something inside you? How did writing this letter effect your life?


To assist me in connecting to Sekhmet I sketched this Mountain Lion, thinking maybe I would paint it, but that hasn't happened as of yet. Right now, I seem to be satisfied with the sketch, but when the mood strikes. I might just break out the watercolors!

For anyone that is not familiar with Sekhmet, she is a lion-headed Egyptian Goddess, a warrior, protector and healer with fierce self-confidence and determination. Sekhmet is depicted with the face of an African Lion, but being as I connect more with Mountain Lions, I chose the Mountain Lion as my personal depiction of Sekhmet.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Painting, Writing, and Journaling, Oh My!

I've been extremely busy lately, and my blog has fallen to the wayside as a result. So much has been happening! (1) my article for Soul Path Magazine was published this month (2) I've been working on weekly challenges with my Inner Goddess Revolutionaries group (3) I've been working on additional art projects with other inspiring artists at Hawk's Art Projects (4) I joined Soul Path Tribe and have been journaling and working on my monthly steps for October, and (5) I still work both my jobs and occasionally babysit my grandkids while battling the gloomies.

Yep depression has been attempting a comeback, BUT although I do have my "down" days, I haven't sunk into a full blown depression, thanks to my artwork, which continues to be great therapy, and of course staying busy helps keep the negative thoughts away, too!

 I thought I would share my recent works with you:

Project from Inner Goddess Revolutionaries

I AM, the challenge was to create an I AM statement to aide in embracing my inner goddess using any medium of our choice; I chose watercolors, of course and opted to do a multi-color self-portrait with my I AM statement, and here is the result:

Hawk's Art Projects

We've done three projects thus far (1) a representation of the Element Water (2) create a tarot card for Samhain (3) our patron deity, and our most recent, (4) a representation of our life purpose:

Medium: Markers and Pens

 I incorporated my Raven Woman painting and a Microsoft Word template to create my tarot card. I chose the High Priestess, mainly because I thought Raven Woman fits this card well and it's a great card for Samhain. The text at the bottom of the card says: 
"Open yourself to the Mysteries. Use your intuition and let your inner voice guide you."

My Patron: Gaia
Medium: Watercolor

Life Purpose 
My life purpose is overcoming depression and being happy; 
this depicts me rising from the darkness. 
Medium: Watercolor

Side Projects

Watercolor: African American Woman

 Watercolor and Marker: Experiment

 Watercolor: Raven Woman

Watercolor: Redhead

 Watercolor: My Cat, Tigger

Watercolor: Amethyst Woman